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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

week 20 of 40 ....7/10/2012

Well, this past week was a great time.  Old friends,  familiar traditions, one of my favorite holidays, and a huge milestone for my little girl---on July 1st, she crawled!!  Today, a little over a week later, she pulled herself from the floor hanging onto the cushions of the couch!  She amazes me. She makes me smile all the time. I tell her all the time, “You shine my days.”
It is my sweet, little girl that helped me find the words for this week's blog…I am borrowing some words from a few friends, but it is her that really cemented those words-that made me see them in different dimensions..
…One thing I know for absolute certain now that I have been a mother for almost 8 months now (17 if you count pregnancy)---there is NO way to describe what it really feels like, how your thinking really changes, how your life flips and flops and morphs itself daily into a newer existence…  I know that before I had her, others would tell me this very thing, and I would think “yeah yeah….it changes you, kids are amazing…uh huh...”
….but I promise with all of my deepest honesty, it IS true. It IS.  And I wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in the world.  There are other experiences that have brought me happiness, but this …motherhood—brings me JOY-pure JOY.

With that said…here are a few pieces of wisdom I gained from this past week:
1.        I love our country.  No political agenda here…but I have a true love for our country, for America.  Watching the fireworks in downtown Columbus is something I have done OVER 20 times in my life (and it did not begin until 1980), and I never tire of it…ever.  Lee Greenwood, bright lights in the sky, and 500,000 of my closest friends…*that* is America J

2.       Thank you to my dear friend who made a very wise statement the other night on my patio:  “Why can’t I wear a bikini, too?”  Amen.  Why do I have to miss time in the pool with my daughter, my husband, and my friends because my body isn’t perfect?  I AM a really great swimmer, afterall—and isn’t that why we go to the pool-to swim????
….of course, with that said, now I have to buy a swimsuit!!!!
3.       Ugh, passive aggressive behavior is …for lack of a better description…so PASSE!  It is over.  If you have something to say, perhaps, try saying it (TO THAT PERSON NOT AROUND THAT PERSON).  I know that for me…being honest has saved some of my most important friendships from  "drifting"…and I guess, if you aren’t willing to say what needs to be said, then it isn’t important enough to be passively aggressive about, you know? 
….now, as a parent, I can’t ever be afraid to tell my daughter the truths she needs to know.  ….if I can’t be honest with the people I love and care for the most…then, who can I be honest with??
4.       Lastly, I am reminded of a song that I shared with a friend a few years ago and a saying that I was reminded of from a friend a few days ago…maybe I should pay attention –
Because…it is true. “You can’t get what you want til you know what you want…”  I can’t tell my daughter to chase her dreams when I’m not chasing mine…and I can’t chase them, if I don’t know what they are.  Sometimes, dreams and wishes are about the future—but many…many, many, many…
are about right now...

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