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Monday, June 11, 2012

6/11/2012...week 16 of 40

Tomorrow my daughter will turn 7 months.
Where did the time go?
It ran from me...faster than I could have ever imagined it would
People told me it would...but you kinda have to live through these things to "get" it...

Looking back...
Pregnancy and motherhood
Combined with 40--have taught me a few things

No matter how much I try to re-create my "old" life
It will never be the same
(I am so tired of pretending it is the same--it's NOT)

People have let me down
and have surprised me by stepping up
I am so over trying to include everyone
when I am not included
(I mean ...what sense does that make??)

My body has changed
but because it was able to create a life
I know it is able to re-create itself
with my commitment of TIME
and only *I* can make this commitment
I am not too busy to work out
so, no excuses here
(so over listening to others' excuses-so I will not be joining *that* clique)

All of this hiding I have been writing about
Is over
for now
(and I am not apologizing for doing it...it's MY security blanket)

Watching Maris grow
is never dull or boring
it's fascinating
(as she is trying to bang on the keys as I type)

I miss my "thick" hair

I am ready to really embrace this 40 thing...I mean really ready to face it...to acknowledge that
is my life...on MY terms--
no longer what I think people "expect" it to be
and I actually...love it.

My life will never be the same
and I am really
truly and honestly
(man, that feels good to write...really good).

**and yeah, I know this post might sound a little bitey--but that is why I created this space...to give my words, my voice, a place...to tell the truth--which is the only way I know

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

and here I sit...at the end--or is the bottom?

I am sitting here in my class.  My last day as a first grade teacher.  I am listening to the Sundays on my ipod, and they are singing, "Here's Where the Story Ends"...how fitting-some could say it's a coincidence, but nothing is really a coincidence is it?

The kids are talking about spelling "hamburger"-is it UR or ER.  They are talking about colors of crayons--what colors make a rainbow.  Is rainbow a compound word? They are tired and restless, anxious and excited.

Tired, restless, anxious, excited...
I feel that way.

8 years of my heart and soul. 
I grew.
I learned.
I climbed.
I fell.
I got back up.
I climbed.
I fell.
I got back up.

I will walk out tonight no longer a first grade teacher on this staff, but a first grade teacher in my heart for always.  I will take the lessons I have learned with me...and I will walk forward.


Next year, my class is on the second floor.

It's time...
to start climbing again.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3rd 2012...week 15 of 40

"all these tapes keep running in my head"~alanis morrisette

So long ago, we made "mix tapes" for our friends-the people we were dating.  I have made COUNTLESS tapes (or cd's)...when I say COUNTLESS, I mean it!!

The "tapes" I make tell stories--this is a topic I will probably revisit again-many times.

this week, the mix tape of my life was confusing.
a myriad of wants, needs, maybes

"I know way too many people that I didn't know last year, who the F are you all..."
"I can't get to sleep-I think about the implications...of diving in too deep, and possibly the complications"
"another round-another round-I want another round"
"what a wonderful life" "bring on the evening hours...I cry"

This week, I realized that I can only hide for so long before the real me emerges...
and makes herself known. 
When I am happy
I show it...
When I am mad, it is obvious
...and when I am sad--which I have been trying to hide, it pours out
like the water from a faucet
...and there is no hiding.

I learned this week, even as real as I am
sometimes I try to hide
only to fail

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

hide and seek

When I was younger...there was a movie --Grease 2.  Yeah, I know, it was lame.  In the movie was a song--Charades.  It wan't sung well, but it resonated with me
--even as a young girl
Later as I grew older...a Disney movie came out.  I don't watch those movies (although now that I have a child...). In the movie, Mulan, there was a song called Reflections...again...complete connection.

Sometimes, I am simply hiding. I want to show the real me--because I am always real. 
But there are days...when I am still real, but I am hiding.--behind a Charade-afraid to look at my Reflection.

Sometimes I ask:  "Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me..."

Working on discovering more about her and sharing her. This is MY journey...and how lucky I am to travel the path...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5/29/2012 week 14 of 40

One thing I realized this week is that I AM managing this new life---the balance is tough, but I am managing. Yet, with that...comes constant questioning. I have been questioning everything lately.. I have really high expectations for the people around me...and sometimes, I simply feel let down. I do, however, get to choose how I react.

I cry.
I do.
maybe not acceptable...
but I cry.

I cry when I am happy
when I am overwhelmed
when I am hurt
when I feel love

I cry.

week 14...a lot of crying-but I'm managing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Balancing Beam

I never liked gym class.  I know it was because I was afraid.
Afraid to try.
Afraid to fail.

I remember the long ropes hanging from the ceiling of my elementary school gym.
Year after year...they-
TAUNTED ME--like they were laughing at me-
as I hung there by my limp arms-
first grade
second grade--
SIXTH grade

I never made it up those ropes.

I work in the district I grew up in---
I am seen those ropes many times in the past 8 years.
They no longer taunt me...instead
they HAUNT me.

How come I could never do it?
Other girls could.
(hello, inadequacy)

I thought for a while that I might work out really hard so I could climb them
but ...what the hell would that mean?
how would THAT change my life?

So, now, here I am -- a failure at rope climbing.
and trying to walk the balance beam of my new life...

The ropes, I suspect--would have been easier.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

5/20/2012...week 13 of 40

This past week I decided to finally create this blog.  I finally felt like I had something to share, and I needed a place to do it.  But, the truth is--whether or not it is shared, it is my "something," and isn't that enough?  Why must everything "be worthy" of a place for its story? ... This past week I saw a side of me that I like-- the giving side.  I made a decision about how I can give back more to my community, and I am proud of it.  I also saw a side of me that I don't like.  The side where I don't think before I speak--but in this case it was in text which is worse because you get to re-read the stuff you didn't think about before you said it/sent it--grr!!. I made that mistake several times, and yeah, I am working on it. So, this week of 40...I can simply say...2 steps forward and a step backward. But, at least-I am taking steps. I also realized this week my daughter reminds me of me...I see me in her...I joke about it-people tell me about it, but this week, I saw it. --pretty damn amazing.